
Update Dec 2017 While these instructions will likely still work there are easier ways of running a secure site, use Caddy Free, automated SSL with LetsEncrypt LetsEncrypt documentation aka Certbot. Installation # apt-get install git # mkdir /root/letsencrypt # git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /root/letsencrypt # cd /root/letsencrypt Get a certificate We prefer to configure virtual hosts manually, all letscnerypt commands will therefore only provision or renew a certificate - there are alternatives.
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RDP and network drives

Remotely enable RDP Very useful Powershell script for enabling RDP connection on a remote Windows PC or server. Updating the firewall on remote machine was the key in this case. How did we do that? Using Cisco Meraki Systems Manager, one of the features is a remote command line (even on Windows). netsh firewall set service remoteadmin enable netsh firewall set service remotedesktop enable Network drive security Not sure why but suddenly unable to open files on a network drive without seeing this security warning.
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DB2 error in onlne reorg

(an old note, resurrected). Saw the following error in DB2 9.7.2 LUW during a manual online reorg. db2 => REORG TABLE SAPR3.VBAP INPLACE ALLOW WRITE ACCESS START SQL2216N SQL error "-668" occurred while reorganizing a database table or its indexes. Apparently this is a known issue, the Fix for which is an offline reorg (INPLACE not allowed for reorg pending state). db2 => CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD('REORG TABLE SAPR3.VBAP') That prompting a very short investigation of how to monitor a DB2 reorg.
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Jekyll table of contents

Portable Jekyll

Wish I’d found this link before actually installing Jekyll.

More details here.

Powershell and jekyll

Some Powershell functions for interacting with jekyll.

Could maybe use some more work as they are a year old at time of writing.

Table Of Contents

Simple way to create a table of contents (TOC) for your post is to include these two lines after the frontmatter:


The TOC is just a placeholder and will be replaced with an unordered list taken from the post headings.

The list can be controlled by settings in _config.yml

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DB2 archive current log

Archive the current logfile. $ db2 list history backup all for e03 # Cannot archive log if connected to database db2 => archive log for database e03 SQL1493N The application is already connected to an active database. # Archive log works if not connected db2 => archive log for database e03 DB20000I The ARCHIVE LOG command completed successfully.