Git webhooks

Example use of webhooks:
Automatically update a website when chages are pushed to a repository.
There are at least two ways to achieve this, both have certain requirements:

Caddy git module

Include something like the following in your Caddyfile.

  # /www = directory in which git clone was originally run
  git /www {
    repo	https://github.path/to/your-repo.git/
    # path = repository directory, should be below /www
    path	/www/your-rep
    # repo branch, default is master but sprecified anyway
    branch	master
    # webhook - URL (under docroot) and quoted secret key
    hook	/webhook  "SuperSecretKey"
    # Optional - run command after git pull
    # This example runs Hugo static site generator to update site
    then  	hugo --destination=/www/your-repo/public


Create a PHP file in the root of your site repository.
This version also logs it’s changes to a file in /tmp.
For a site that frequently changes you might need to disable this or otherwise maintain the log.

I would advise against using this method (or at least this particular script) as it does not validate the request.

// Based on an example from:

$repo          = '/www/your-repo';
$branch        = 'master';
$output        = array();

// update github Repo
$output[] = date('Y-m-d, H:i:s', time()) . "\n";
$output[] = "Git Pull\n============================\n" . shell_exec('cd '.$repo.' && git pull origin '.$branch);

// redirect output to logs
file_put_contents('/tmp/___gogs.log', implode("\n", $output) . "\n----------------------------\n", FILE_APPEND);

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