Doing It Yourself - Server
Thu, Sep 22, 2016 · 2 minute readlinux
There are many arguments for using a hosting provider, among the most obvious:
* Your server is (you hope) updated and patched regularly.
* The software running on the server is (you hope) updated regularly.
You may also opt for a specialist hosting provider, one that hosts your chosen application.
Similar arguments apply, why do it yourself when someone else will do it for you?
I’ll tell you why we look after our own servers.
- We are absolutely certain of the update and patch status of our servers and all the software they are running.
- We are free to install and play with whatever software, extensions, plugins we like without having to:
- Coerce them into a hosting providers install (try running some Jekyll plugins on a Github hosted site).
- Pay a hosting provider for the privilege of installing a … whatever.
- Coerce them into a hosting providers install (try running some Jekyll plugins on a Github hosted site).
A word or two of caution if you do decide to run your own servers:
Do not try running your own server from your home IP address unless that IP address is static.
Do configure all your DNS records correctly.
Pay particular attention to:Do give your server regular attention (patching, updating), it’s a bit like having your car serviced regularly.
Do run logwatch to get a daily email summary of all your logs.
Your server will be probed by the outside world for weaknesses. You absolutely must configure the server with defence in depth.
Examples:- Disable root access.
- Change default ports (e.g. SSH).
- Disable default user accounts, or at the very least change their passwords.
- Enable and configure a firewall, only open the ports you need.
- etc.
- Disable root access.