CiviCRM Upgrade
Fri, Apr 8, 2016 · 1 minute readcivicrm
Important lesson today during a CiviCRM upgrade.
Do not save the old copy of CiviCRM code in /sites/all/modules!
If you see an error similar to the following then you almost certainly have two copies of the CiviCRM code -
[08-Apr-2016 18:08:14 Europe/London] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CRM_Core_ClassLoader in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 36
In my case I had downloaded the new version and saved the old version in /sites/all/modules, e.g.
# cd sites/all/modules
sites/all/modules# wget
sites/all/modules# mv civicrm civicrm-4.6.13
sites/all/modules# tar xvzf civicrm-4.6.15-drupal.tar.gz
This is very bad. The correct sequence is (substituting the correct CiviCRM version of course)
# cd sites/all/modules
sites/all/modules# wget
sites/all/modules# mv civicrm /tmp/civicrm-4.6.13
sites/all/modules# tar xvzf civicrm-4.6.15-drupal.tar.gz
Simples. Moving the old code tree outside of the normal code tree solves the problem.